In The Armchair

Linux Brain Games

Posted in Computers by Armchair Guy on August 3, 2008

These involve the mind in some way… I like to do Blinken and Gnomine.

Chess. These engines are way too hard for me.

  1. Gnuchess
  2. Crafty


  1. Blinken

Quick Thinking

  1. Gnomine
  2. KSirtet
  3. Tetravex
  4. Gnome Sudoku


  1. gtans (Tangrams)
  2. Code Breaker / Gnomermind (Mastermind clones)
  3. Klotski/Gnome Klotski

Free Online

  1. Happy Neuron free games
  2. MyBrainTrainer has a test and one free puzzle every month


  1. The Amazing Brain Train (has a demo)